National Summit 2020 Schedule

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Schedule Overview

10:00-11:00 AM Optional Networking
11:00-11:10 AM Welcome & Opening Remarks
11:10-12:20 PM Keynote Panel
12:20-12:25 PM Break
12:25-01:05 PM Breakout Session 1
01:10-01:50 PM Breakout Session 2
01:50-02:00 PM Closing Time


Optional Networking

The Summit will begin with an optional time for attendees to network with partner organizations and other attendees. Partner organizations will introduce their work and facilitate lively discussions with attendees.

Keynote Panel

The keynote will feature a diverse panel of Korean American mental health practitioners who will engage in a rich discussion about the mental health landscape of the Korean American community. Questions include: What mental health characteristics do you see in the Korean American community, and what cultural factors should be considered in service provision? How do you sustain yourself as practitioners?

Breakout Sessions

We are offering a variety of breakout sessions with topics relevant and specific to the Korean American community. Summit attendees will be able to choose to attend two breakout sessions. All other sessions will be made available via recording.


We will close the Summit with a raffle. More information on the raffle coming soon!